Sunday, May 13, 2012


I've read many times how important goal setting is when it comes to weight loss; some fitness experts even say writing down your goals is usually more effective? or motivating? than not writing them down...

I took the advice and wrote down my goals 2+ years ago; goals I thought were reasonable.  When I didn't reach my first goal I was slightly crushed.  I had to rewrite my goals because not reaching the first goal when I thought I would set back all my subsequent goals.  Ultimately, after a terrible reaction to a medication which left me dangerously close to suicide I completely fell off the {weight loss} wagon.  Yes, I hopped on the wagon a couple times since then but only for a very brief ride.

When I set my mind on starting this journey again - I opted not to make goals.  I didn't chose a goal weight.  I decided I didn't want to fixate on some number.  I was going to keep on trucking until I was happy and comfortable with myself and my body - whether it took me a year or two or three - it really didn't matter.  {I have since picked a goal weight because I thought getting down to 135 would be cool as it would be half my starting weight - but I'm still going to stick with using my body as a guide to stop when I'm comfortable.} 

The only decisions I did make were:

1) Cut out soda and artificial sweeteners (no diet soda or flavored water)
2) Control portions (I was already eating healthy, for the most part - my main problem was portion control)
3) Exercise 5 days a week

These are not goals - these are decisions {commitments} I made to myself!

I NEVER had any intention on running.  I started with walking and I was perfectly content just going round and round the block every day.  A week and a half after starting my journey I had a LOT of energy!  I seriously felt the extra pep in my step.  I started to walk and decided, let me jog a little to get out some of this extra energy... I didn't make it around the entire block but I stopped and started and ultimately ran an entire lap combined (I didn't think I did but when I double checked my journal for that day I did manage to run for 5 minutes/1 lap).

Since that day I have continued to challenge myself to run just a little farther and/or a little faster.  From that measly third of a mile almost 3 months ago I managed to get to today...


I believe it was when I managed to get up to running 3 miles that I decided, "I'd LOVE to be able to run 5 miles!"  This was a dream goal for me... Four months ago I would have laughed at myself for even thinking I could run a mile, let alone 5 (and on hills/inclines too)!

The feeling is AMAZING!  I remember being in tears after running 2+ miles because I was so proud... I truly cannot find enough words to convey how incredibly proud of myself I am right now, in this moment!  I wanted to create a shirt to wear when I'm running - but it was just too expensive - however the message I came up with is important so I will share it here:

My weight doesn't define me... my dedication and persistence does!  {on the front}
Pound by pound & mile by mile!  {on the back with my blog address}

I refuse to let my size/weight define or limit me in any way.  I hope to encourage and motivate others to be determined, be committed, be strong, be a fighter, JUST BE!

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