Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Workout Wednesday 01/26

My weekly workout:

Thursday: 70 min on treadmill at 3.2mph - 3.5 miles
35 min walk with the kids - 1.7 miles

Friday: DAY OFF!

Saturday: 75 min on treadmill at 3.3mph - 4 miles

Sunday: 75 min on treadmill at 3.4mph - 4.15 miles

Monday: 75 min on treadmill at 3.4mph - 4.25 miles
50 min walk with the kids - 2.35 miles

Tuesday: 80 min on treadmill at 3.4-3.5mph - 4.50 miles
50 min walk with the kids - 2.35 miles

Wednesday: 75 min on treadmill at 3.4mph - 4.25 miles
40 min walk with the kids - 1.7 miles

Total time: 10.33 hours
Total miles: 32.75 miles

I didn't add the weight training exercises as I had hoped to add - so that's my goal again for next week - to add at least 2 days of weight training exercises - for at least 5 minutes!

This week's exercise...
Dumbbell Squats
Courtesy of ABC of

Squat, similar with Lunges, is a great all-around exercise for the legs. This Fitness Exercise is a tried-and-tested lower body exercise for anyone without knee problems. Squats focus on your hamstrings and gluteals, and also target your abdominal muscles and lower back since they are used for balance.

The Squats come in many variations. One of them is the Dumbbell Squat. This exercise obviously makes use of dumbbells as you do the Squat. Learn how this exercise is done in this section:

STEP 1: Stand with feet hip-width apart and keep your back straight. Your arms should be straight on your sides, with each hand holding a dumbbell.

STEP 2: Slightly lean forward. Bend your knees and lower your upper body. Be sure to keep your heels on the floor and your arms straight on your sides.

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