Friday, May 4, 2012


In the last few days I've become increasingly annoyed with the plethora of blog posts, Facebook posts and websites promoting products, fad diets, and food programs for weight loss.

Admittedly, I've had my fair share of {expensive} misadventures in weight loss since I was 18 (I'm 33 now) - such as Metabolife 365, Phentermine, the Atkins diet, etc... I desperately wanted to believe in something that would speed up the weight loss process.

The stark reality is there are no supplements, pills, shots, shakes, or fad diets that work.  Deep down I knew this, and I'd venture to say we all know this.  Yes, there will always be someone who swears that this or that helped them in their weight loss.  Ultimately, however, weight loss comes down to the simple and straightforward FACT of less calories in and more calories out (eat less, move more)!

Restricting or eliminating food groups is not the answer! 
Vitamin and/or hormone shots in our rump are not the answer!
Horse-pill sized supplements are not the answer!
Body wraps are not the answer! 
Meal replacement/protein shakes are not the answer!

Proper nutrition (aka a well-balanced diet) and exercise IS the answer!

The money wasted on all this crap could be spent towards buying fresh, healthy food, cooking classes (for those who need a little help in the cooking department), exercise equipment/gym memberships, a well fitted pair of exercise shoes, etc...

In all this frustration I had the following thought:  If you wouldn't allow a child follow this diet or take this supplement/product - then you shouldn't either!!!

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